Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto

Fine Pair of Samurai Sword Mounts, A Fuchigashira In Pure Gold Onlay & Inlay On Shakudo, Soten School, Edo Period {1615-1868} Inscribed Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto

Soten school, late, Edo period {1615-1868} By Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten Sei. It is rare to find Soten work in shakudo or any soft metals as they typically worked in iron

Very likely depicting Taira Atsumori (1169-1184) Riding On Horseback Through Crashing Waves To Escape The Minamoto Warriors. Woodcut By Toyokuni Utagawa,

The founder of the
Soten school, Kitagawa Sōteen I (also called Shūten and possibly Sōheishi Niūdō), flourished about 1650 and, like his successors, worked at Hikone, whence the name Hikone-bori for the style they evolved. The signature of his son, Sōten II (Sōheishi Niūdō), is that most frequently found on tsuba sword guards of this school.

The Sōten style may be summed up as the marubori-zōgan with the addition of elaborate landscape details. The figures, whether large or small, are either modeled completely in the round, the ground being more or less cut away and the whole enclosed by a border; or else they are in high relief on a solid ground. The work is nearly always in iron, with the nude portions encrusted in silver or copper, the patterns of the garments and the minute botanical details of the landscape being richly overlaid with gold.

The favourite subjects are taken from Chinese history and legend, or represent Japanese battle-scenes, especially from the Gempei campaigns of the 12th century and the Korean expeditions of the Empress Jingō and the Taikō Hideyoshi.

According to The Tale of the Heike, the Taira were scattered by Yoshitsune's attack from the Ichi-no-Tani cliff. Kumagai no Jirō Naozane, while scanning the beach for fleeing soldiers, spotted the young Atsumori swimming towards the fleeing vessels.

Ukiyo-e of Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori
Kumagai beckoned Atsumori with his fan, taunting Atsumori by saying, “I see that you are a commander-in-chief. It is dishonorable to show your back to an enemy. Return!”

Atsumori returned and they grappled on the beach. Kumagai was stronger. He knocked off Atsumori's helmet to deliver the finishing blow, only to be struck by the beauty of the young noble. Atsumori was “sixteen or seventeen years old, with a lightly powdered face and blackened teeth—a boy just the age of Naozane's own son...”

Kumagai, wishing to spare the life of the boy, asked for Atsumori's name, but the youth refused. He simply said that he was famous enough that Kumagai's superiors would recognize his head when it was time to assign rewards. At that moment, other Minamoto warriors arrived, and Kumagai knew that if he did not kill Atsumori, the other warriors surely would. Kumagai reasoned that it was better if he was the one to kill Atsumori, because he could offer prayers on his behalf for the afterlife.

Kumagai while crying beheaded the youth, searched the body for something to wrap the head in, he came across a bag containing a flute. He realized that Atsumori must have been one of the soldiers playing music before the battle and thought, “there are tens of thousands of riders in our eastern armies, but I am sure none of them has brought a flute to the battlefield. Those court nobles are refined men!”

It is said that the beheading of Atsumori is what led Kumagai to take priestly vows and become a Buddhist monk.

See photo 10 in the gallery of a similar subject fuchigashira in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sword-Hilt Collar and Pommel (Fuchigashira)
Japanese ca. 1615–1868 Fuchi inscribed: 藻柄子入道宗典製 Sōheishi Nyūdō Sōten sei (Made by the lay priest Sōheishi Sōten)
Donated by Herman A. E. and Paul C. Jaehne, New York and Coco Beach, Florida (by 1915–43; their gift to MMA).

Code: 25605

1375.00 GBP