Antique Arms & Militaria

838 items found
Superb Original US Civil War Cavalry Sabre By Roby, Chelmsford Mass. Dated 1864 Identical to General George Armstrong Custer's Cavalry Sabre, An 1864  Roby Contract Sword, Inspected by AGM For Custer's Wolverines. Possibly Made For The Michigan Brigade

Superb Original US Civil War Cavalry Sabre By Roby, Chelmsford Mass. Dated 1864 Identical to General George Armstrong Custer's Cavalry Sabre, An 1864 Roby Contract Sword, Inspected by AGM For Custer's Wolverines. Possibly Made For The Michigan Brigade

Roby, of Chelmsford Massachusetts is a Civil war sword maker for which we have been seeking examples of his swords for decades, especially ones inspected by Alfred Munnings. He was a very fine and well recorded maker, and a contractor for some of the most historically interesting cavalry used by the Union in the Civil War. Especially so, the most famed of all, Custer's Wolverines. As we have dedicated our business's 'modus operandi' to seek and find the most interesting and significant pieces, this maker of sabres fits beautifully into that criteria, of our dedication to continually seek and discover new pieces to add to our unique selection of intriguing and historical artefacts. This is our latest stunning addition to that pedigree of Custer's swords from the Civil war.

The Model 1860 Light Cavalry Sabre. Traditional three bar brass hilt, cushion pommel and ribbed wooden grip. Made by the same maker in the same year and even inspected by the very same man A.G.Manning as Custer's and his Wolverine's sabres. Made by C.Roby of Chelmsford Mass. Civil War Union Government inspectors initials stamped at blade forte 'A.G.M'. One of the US Army sword inspectors, Alfred G. Munnings. This is the very same sword pattern, year, and maker, as was used by Col.George Armstrong Custer, that was also inspected by Alfred Munnings.

Custer's sword was late of the Charles A.Custer's family collection, and it's maker, date and inspector's initial stamp AGM are well documented. Custer is shown wearing his sabre in a photo in the gallery for information only not included with sword. This sabre was obviously made, and part of, the same Union cavalry contract as the swords supplied to Col. Custer, and 'Custer's Wolverines, the Michigan Brigade'. This sword is a Union contract purchased sword, with the sword's blade maker marked by C.Roby of Chelmsford, Mass. American government contract inspector stamped, AGM Alfred G. Manning, and dated 1864. The Michigan Brigade, sometimes called the Wolverines, the Michigan Cavalry Brigade or Custer's Brigade, was a brigade of cavalry in the volunteer Union Army during the latter half of the American Civil War. Composed primarily of the 1st Michigan Cavalry, 5th Michigan Cavalry, 6th Michigan Cavalry and 7th Michigan Cavalry, the Michigan Brigade fought in every major campaign of the Army of the Potomac from the Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863 to the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Court House in April 1865.

The brigade first gained fame during the Gettysburg Campaign under the command of youthful Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer. After the war, several men associated with the brigade joined the 7th U.S. Cavalry Regiment and later fought again under Custer in the Old West frontier.

In the first half of the war, the Confederates enjoyed the advantage in cavalry, as southern men were more accustomed to the riding and shooting life, and most of the experienced cavalry officers from the regular army had chosen to side with the Confederacy . A notable example was Bedford Forrest, who effectively dominated Tennessee & northern Mississippi until the end of the war.

By the second half, from 1863 onward, the Union Army had gained an equal cavalry capability, through Benjamin Grierson’s brilliant deception tactics in the Mississippi valley, and Philip Sheridan’s aggressive movements, while in command of the Army of the Shenandoah at the end of the war in Virginia.

Cavalry units proved highly expensive to maintain, and unscrupulous agents would often exploit shortages by supplying defective animals at exorbitant prices. Offensive actions were certainly not unknown, however, but they were more frequently employed against enemy cavalry than against infantry. Examples of offensive actions include the Battle of Brandy Station and the Battle of Yellow Tavern; cavalry versus cavalry examples include the First Battle of Bull Run and Elon J. Farnsworth's ill-fated charge on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Reconnaissance was the key to effective cavalry, as it remains today in modern armies (although modern cavalrymen use light armored vehicles or helicopters instead of horses). The cavalry serves as the "eyes" of the army. Reconnaissance was a crucial component in the Gettysburg Campaign, where cavalry under Union General Alfred Pleasonton attempted to find the wide-ranging Army of Northern Virginia on its invasion of the North, and Confederate cavalry under J.E.B. Stuart effectively employed counter-reconnaissance to screen passes in the Blue Ridge Mountains and hide Robert E. Lee's movements.

Long-distance raids were the most desirable mission for cavalrymen, primarily because of the fame that successful raids would bring, but they were often of little practical strategic value. Jeb Stuart became famous for two audacious raids on the Union Army of the Potomac in 1862; in his third such attempt, during the Gettysburg Campaign, he squandered much of the cavalry forces of the Army of Northern Virginia and deprived Robert E. Lee of adequate reconnaissance at the beginning of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the principal reasons for the Confederate defeat there. Union attempts at strategic raids had mixed success. George Stoneman's raid in the Battle of Chancellorsville was a failure; Benjamin Grierson's raid in the Vicksburg Campaign was a strategic masterpiece that diverted critical Confederate forces away from Ulysses S. Grant's army; James H. Wilson's massive 1865 raid in Alabama foreshadowed the armored warfare maneuvers of World War II. In general, strategic raids were used more effectively in the Western Theater of the war.

Defensive actions by the cavalry were critical in the retreat from Gettysburg. Pursuit and harassment of enemy forces were often neglected (particularly by the Union after Gettysburg and Antietam), but can be seen in their finest form in the pursuit of Robert E. Lee during the Appomattox Campaign. This sword has just returned from days of hand conservation and hand polishing in our workshop.  read more

Code: 25490

1395.00 GBP

The Lanes Armoury, Britain’s Favourite & Best Arms and Armour Gallery and Website. Its Been Over A Hundred Years In The Making. Whether You View Us Online Or Join The Hundreds & Thousands of People That Personally Visit Us Every Day {Except Sunday}

The Lanes Armoury, Britain’s Favourite & Best Arms and Armour Gallery and Website. Its Been Over A Hundred Years In The Making. Whether You View Us Online Or Join The Hundreds & Thousands of People That Personally Visit Us Every Day {Except Sunday}

Another collection has just arrived the other day and other pieces are arriving every day, including, just today, A stunning, Rudolf Souval 1st Class Olympic 1936 medal, a WW2 SOE clandestine spy/agents tyre slasher knife, an HAC sword 1870’s, a fabulous Zulu War British officers sword, a Zulu War iklwa spear, early 19th century horse guards armour, and a collection 2,000 Victorian, Edwardian WW1 uniform buttons. Plus a stunning samurai tanto, more Japanese swords {two now just sold}, superb Viking axes, and some amazing ancient rings, and armilla, Roman, Crusaders, etc. & a WW1 Imperial German General’s Cap of the Kaiser’s Bodyguard Regiment the Gardes Du Corps.

Some seriously interesting and historical pieces, as usual

Plus recently, a fine Japanese Koto era Chisa Katana signed Bishu Osafune Kiyomitsu 備州長船清光, a stunning, museum grade English Civil War 'Mortuary Basket Hilted' sword and a wonderful Viking axe.

Some other pieces that arrived were beautiful, and rare, superb Napoleonic period British French and American swords, wonderful antique pistols, stunning ancient rings, Roman and Crusaders, an ancient original Saxon Thegn’s war axe from the time of Alfred the Great and the Viking invasions of the Kingdom of Wessex, a wonderful Viking axe-hammer, ancient Roman silver and bronze armlets {bracelets} and, as usual, you can be confident everything is original, and they are all superb examples.

One of the rings that arrived is a fabulous knight’s ring, from Agincourt to the Wars of the Roses period, a 15th century ring with an intaglio naïve engraving of a knight on horseback holding aloft his knightly sword, a fabulous and beautiful piece. Another is a wonderful and superb status Roman seal ring, of senator to equites quality, from the time of the Emperors Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Cladius to Nero, it is a beautiful carved gemstone intaglio ring of an ancient portrait bust of Roman goddess {Now Sold}. Plus, one of the very rare ancient Roman talismanic rings, around 1900 years old, that were sought out by Heinrich Himmler’s team of archeological hunters to prove the ancient Roman source of the Germanic Aryan ancestry {also Sold}. As was interestingly featured as the basis of the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, with the Third Reich artefact hunters seeking by any means the Ark of The Covenant, The ring displays upon the ring a carved, engraved fylfot, the ancient and most important symbol of the Aryans {according to Himmler’s obedient historians} that was adopted by the national socialists in the early 30’s, and every proved ancient art treasure or jewel that featured this symbol was eagerly hunted down at any cost.

If you are a first time visitor, or one of our 40,000 online viewing regular customers, welcome {or welcome back} to our online shop. We hope you enjoy it as much as the many millions of past visitors have already, since we first went online in 1996. It was designed to accompany, and operate hand-in-hand, with our gallery-shop, that has been located in the Brighton Lanes since the reign of King George Vth. According to our statisticians our website has been {conservatively} viewed over 54 million 750 thousand times, since it launched in the 90’s. And in the same period, our shop has likely been personally visited {also conservatively} by over 5 1/2 million people since 1996. Of course, in the case of our shop, another 77 years of visitors could be added to that figure..

Every single day, due to our most fortunate status as one of Europe’s, and certainly Britain’s, oldest and favourite original specialist collector’s galleries, amazing historical, pieces, from all the major {and minor} civilisations, from the past 4000 years, arrive at our doorstep. Just three weeks ago another huge collection of 425 cloth bound hardback vintage books arrived, many based around historical artefact collecting themes, and 19th Century ornithological tomes. Including an incredible six ‘pair’ sets of ‘The Descent Of Man’ by Charles Darwin London all the 1871 printing, English Volumes 1 & 2- They were all delivered here at our store, and our regular ‘collector book hunters’ eagerly devoured them. Some were very scarce limited print run examples from the Early Victorian to 1920’s period. The Charles Darwin books were a joy to own, even for just one day, in Mark’s 54 years here he can never remember having six twin volume Darwin sets from one years publication before, and even at almost a £1,000 a pair they were gone in less than an hour.

Such as, in this month alone, new arrivals included, a collection of museum grade original swords and French Napoleonic arms, and a Royal Navy ship’s cannon, Brown Bess muskets, and a sword of an Indian Maharajah Prince, plus several samurai swords, antique and WW2 as usual. Always online is a unique selection of original ancient Greek, Chinese and Viking antiquities, including rings, helmets, swords, spears and battle axes, plus, various dozens of rare, superb and intriguing original Roman antiquities. Most of our antiquities were acquired around 200 years ago by members of the British nobility that were once buying pieces from locals while on their 'Grand Tour' of Europe.
This site also contains up to 17,000 photographs of our currently available offerings to view. Enjoy!

Our History;
The Lanes Armoury, are Brighton Family Traders since 1919. Thousand’s of worldwide visitors to the UK come to visit us practically every day, and their most consistent and much appreciated comment includes that they believe that we were the most amazing and interesting shop they had ever visited in Britain, or even the whole of Europe. We are like a museum, as they consistently say, but, everything is for sale! One must say that if we were a museum, we would likely be the smallest in the UK, but, we contain thousands upon thousands of collectables, militaria and books, prehistoric, ancient, antique and vintage pieces, from an incredibly rare Zulu War artefact, the Zulu King's, carved horn sceptre knopkerrie, to a 66 million year old shark's tooth, to a samurai sword made around 800 years ago, with many hundreds of other fabulous swords, also from ancient Japan, to a section of a Roman Legionary’s armour, a Roman Tribune’s ring of victory, to a sporting gun made for a prince, or a 14 million year old impactite fragment from a meteor strike in Germany, a signal cannon from Admiral Nelson's navy, to a copy {now sold} of 'The Great Gatsby', an incredibly rare Ist Edition novel.

We offer magical and wondrous artefacts, each with a history beyond compare. We were honoured to be described by Victor Harris, England’s foremost & respected Japanese Sword expert, based at the British Museum, as the most unique and remarkable shop he has ever visited.

In the previous 100 plus years our past and present clients include; Hollywood movie star legends such as Edward G.Robinson, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Bette Davis, the British aristocracy from the late Queen Mary onwards, famous academics in all known fields, curators of many British museums, and politicians of all colours from numerous countries around the world, and last, yet most importantly, private collectors from all walks of life and nations.
Mark was once personally thanked, by one of our more universally recognisable clients, in the 1980’s, by President Ronald Reagan, for his pair of Roman glass vases bought from our gallery, and he then, most generously, gave Mark an autographed photo of himself in the Oval Office.

We have had the greatest of privileges to have had pass through our hands some quite remarkable pieces, such as one incredible 'Royal Family' piece that springs to mind. Around 35 years ago, we acquired a fabulous ‘royal’ gentleman’s desk set, in magnificent cloisonné enamel, gifted by one British 20th century King, to another, King George VIth and King Edward VIIIth. Each piece was signed, within the intricate enamels design, personally, for the king, in King George VIth’s ‘family name’, ‘Bertie’, with a personal engraved dedication.
‘There, but for the grace of God’. We presumed it was given away by a member of the family during the period of enmity between the former royal princes. King George VIth, and certainly his well beloved wife, Queen Elizabeth, {the parents of our adored, late Queen Elizabeth} well deservedly, never truly forgave his weak and manipulated brother, for the betrayal to his duty, to his family and his nation. One might say ‘plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.’. What a piece of history, and ironically, somewhat pertinent to today's unfolding events. We wish we had it now!

Our oldest regular collector was over 100 years old, and another client, our most regular customer, has been coming to us for over 77 years! Every month over 40,000 of our regular followers around the world request our weekly stock updates by email, and it is so easy to join them, on our home page, just enter your regular email address, and click go!

The photos we show in this gallery are of just a hint of the type of items we have bought and then sold online within the recent past, on just one day, and every item was accompanied with our unique, Certificate of Authenticity.  read more

Code: 23219


An Original, Zulu War Period, Antique Zulu King's 'Prestige Sceptre', Apparently Zulu King Cetshwayo's Ubhejane Horn Sceptre Knopkerrie, Over 150 years Old, Circa 1860's to1870

An Original, Zulu War Period, Antique Zulu King's 'Prestige Sceptre', Apparently Zulu King Cetshwayo's Ubhejane Horn Sceptre Knopkerrie, Over 150 years Old, Circa 1860's to1870

A very special item indeed, showing amazing age patination, for those with serious interest in original and unique Zulu War artefacts.

The Anglo-Zulu War was fought in 1879 between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom. Following the passing of the British North America Act of 1867 forming a federation in Canada, Lord Carnarvon thought that a similar political effort, coupled with military campaigns, might succeed with the African Kingdoms, tribal areas and Boer republics in South Africa. In 1874, Sir Bartle Frere was sent to South Africa as High Commissioner for the British Empire to effect such plans. Among the obstacles were the armed independent states of the South African Republic and the Kingdom of Zululand.

Frere, on his own initiative, sent a provocative ultimatum on 11 December 1878 to the Zulu king Cetshwayo and upon its rejection sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand.The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles see below, including an opening victory of the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, followed by the defence of Rorke's Drift by a small British force from attack by a large Zulu force. The British eventually won the war, ending Zulu dominance of the region.

Battle of Isandlwana; the battle fought on 22nd January 1879, at which the Zulus wiped out a substantial British force, including the 1st Battalion, 24th Foot and rocked Victorian society.

Battle of Rorke’s Drift; the iconic defence of the mission station in Natal on 22nd January 1879, by a small force of British and colonial troops; winning a record number of Victoria Crosses and inspiring Victorian Britain.

Battle of Khambula; the defeat by Colonel Evelyn Wood of a Zulu army on 29th March 1879, in the opening stages of the Zulu War.

Battle of Gingindlovu; the battle fought on 2nd April 1879, where Lord Chelmsford defeated a Zulu army on his route to overwhelming the Zulu nation at Ulundi.

Battle of Ulundi: The final battle of the Zulu War, fought on 4th July 1879, where Lord Chelmsford’s troops destroyed the army of the Zulu King Cetshwayo.

This fabulous sceptre would have been made only for the use of the Zulu king during the 1860’s and 1870’s, and would have been both prestigious and also powerful; the strength of the animal from which it was taken gave it enormous potency and therefore only a King, a great medicine man, could own it.

Sceptres with heads of this size were outlawed in the Victorian era by the government who passed a law stating that the diameter of the head had to be of a size small enough to fit into the owner's mouth. This one won’t fit in most mouths

This Ubhejane horn prestige sceptre is believed to have come from a beast in the 1860’s from Kenya from a group of white ubejane, now extinct. Gifted to the previous current owner by a Zulu Prince in the 1960’s, probably the most significant piece from the Zulu War we have seen. Not suitable for export

Approx 23 inches long  read more

Code: 24574


Super 1850's 'Crimean War' Russian Military Officer's Campaign Trunk

Super 1850's 'Crimean War' Russian Military Officer's Campaign Trunk

A wooden and steel strap banded military officer's campaign trunk from the Crimean war. Painted in faded pale Russian blue-grey. From family history, it was been used by an officer of the 17th Lancers after he acquired it from various kit and officers campaign equipment captured from a Russian baggage train in 1854 around Balaklava. The British officer then used it for his gun case and military kit during his campaign in the crimean, and later by his sons. Campaign furniture is an umbrella term for the portable items of furniture used by the military in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is comprised of a huge number of objects, from chairs to chests, wardrobes to washstands and games tables to camp beds. A number of celebrated British furniture makers created pieces of campaign furniture, elevating it beyond its roots in functional, army-based design to desirable, collectible decor that continues to add a beautiful, innovative touch to homes today. The Crimean War started with Russia's invasion of the Turkish Danubian principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (now Romania). Britain and France both wanted to prop up the ailing Ottoman Empire and resist Russian expansionism in the Near East.

Although Russia fought a largely successful war against the Turks in Armenia, and British and French fleets operated in the Baltic Sea, it was the events in the Crimea that had the biggest impact on Britain. In September 1854 the allies landed troops in Russian Crimea, on the north shore of the Black Sea, and began a yearlong siege of the Russian fortress of Sevastopol. Major engagements were fought at the Alma River on September 20, at Balaklava on October 25 (commemorated in ?The Charge of the Light Brigade? by English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson), and at Inkerman on November 5. On January 26, 1855, Sardinia-Piedmont entered the war and sent 10,000 troops. Finally, on September 11, 1855, three days after a successful French assault on the Malakhov, a major strongpoint in the Russian defenses, the Russians blew up the forts, sank the ships, and evacuated Sevastopol. Secondary operations of the war were conducted in the Caucasus and in the Baltic Sea. The last picture shows the bottom rear strap loops for mounting the trunk on the rear of a horse drawn baggage coach. 13 inches deep x 21.5 inches wide x 11.5 inches high.  read more

Code: 22604

675.00 GBP

A Fine Cased Pair of 1840's Victorian Rear Admirals Epaulettes.

A Fine Cased Pair of 1840's Victorian Rear Admirals Epaulettes.

Overall in jolly good condition for age, in their original Japanned lacquer tin case. Made and used in the days of sail, aboard the great ships-of-the-line and the '100 gunners'. Admirals always served aboard the larger vessels in the fleet [also known now as capital ships] in the Royal Navy, His vessal would be known as the admiral's 'flag ship' and flying his personal rank flag. Rear admiral is a naval commissioned officer rank above that of a commodore (U.S. equivalent of rear admiral lower half) and captain, and below that of a vice admiral. It is generally regarded as the lowest of the "admiral" ranks, which are also sometimes referred to as "flag officers" or "flag ranks".
It originated from the days of naval sailing squadrons and can trace its origins to the Royal Navy. Almost all of the modern traditions of the world's navies can trace there traditional origins back to the British Royal Navy. Each naval squadron would be assigned an admiral as its head, who would command from the centre vessel and direct the activities of the squadron. The admiral would in turn be assisted by a vice admiral, who commanded the lead ships which would bear the brunt of a naval battle. In the rear of the naval squadron, a third admiral would command the remaining ships and, as this section of the squadron was considered to be in the least danger, unless from a surprise attack from the rear. The admiral in command of the rear would typically be the most junior of the squadron admirals. This ranking has survived into the modern age, with the rank of rear admiral the most-junior of the admiralty ranks of many navies. Epaulette is a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia of rank by armed forces and other organizations. In the French and other armies, epaulettes are also worn by all ranks of elite or ceremonial units when on parade. It may bear rank or other insignia, and should not be confused with a shoulder mark - also called an shoulder board, rank slide, or slip-on - a flat cloth sleeve worn on the shoulder strap of a uniform (although the two terms are often used interchangeably).

Epaulettes are fastened to the shoulder by a shoulder strap or passenten, a small strap parallel to the shoulder seam, and the button near the collar, or by laces on the underside of the epaulette passing through holes in the shoulder of the coat or by a metal slide arrangement. Colloquially, any shoulder straps with marks are also called epaulettes. The placement of the epaulette, its colour and the length and diameter of its bullion fringe are used to signify the wearer's rank. Although originally worn in the field, and they certainly were when these were made, epaulettes are now normally limited to dress or ceremonial military uniforms. A photo in the gallery of Nelson's shot-through epaulette from Trafalgar. He has two stars due to his superior Admirals rank.  read more

Code: 21806

995.00 GBP

A Most Scarce Victorian Antique Honourable Artillery Company Officer's Sword. In Field Service Scabbard

A Most Scarce Victorian Antique Honourable Artillery Company Officer's Sword. In Field Service Scabbard

Typical gilt metal hilt with the HAC grenade. Etched blade, with surface wear. Regulation field service steel mounted leather scabbard.

The South African War: 1899-1902
Around 200 members of the Company fought in the South African War with various units. The majority of these members served with the artillery, infantry or mounted infantry sub-units of the City Imperial Volunteers (CIV) between January and October 1900. The CIV was formed under the auspices of the Lord Mayor of London. The HAC’s Colonel and Commanding Officer, the Earl of Denbigh and Desmond, was instrumental in raising and equipping the CIV Battery, which was officered and, for the most part, manned by members of the HAC. This was the first occasion that the Company’s membership saw active service overseas and six members died whilst serving during this war.

The HAC can trace its history as far back as 1296, but it received a Royal Charter from Henry VIII on 25 August 1537, when Letters Patent were received by the Overseers of the Fraternity or Guild of St George authorising them to establish a perpetual corporation for the defence of the realm to be known as the Fraternity or Guild of Artillery of Longbows, Crossbows and Handgonnes. This body was known by a variety of names until 1656, when it was first referred to as the Artillery Company. It was first referred to as the Honourable Artillery Company in 1685 and officially received the name from Queen Victoria in 1860.

The regiment has the rare distinction of having fought on the side of both Parliament and the Royalists during the English Civil War 1642 to 1649.

Pictures in the gallery of the HAC HQ, the HAC Armoury, and the HAC parade and cricket ground, all in the heart of the City of London  read more

Code: 25484

595.00 GBP

A Superb 1821/45 Victorian Infantry Officer’s Deluxe Grade Sword. Traditional Gothic Style VR Cypher Pierced Half Basket Hilt With Original Gilt. Exactly As Worn In The Zulu War.

A Superb 1821/45 Victorian Infantry Officer’s Deluxe Grade Sword. Traditional Gothic Style VR Cypher Pierced Half Basket Hilt With Original Gilt. Exactly As Worn In The Zulu War.

Exactly the form of sword used by Lt Bromhead in the Zulu war, as was portrayed and carried in the film 'Zulu' by Sir Michael Caine. One may find it very difficult indeed to see another as fine and beautiful as this sword. With near mint, original mirror bright and counter frosting finish to the bespoke fully etched blade, bearing the cypher and crest of H.M. Queen Victoria with just a few discolouration marks. Original gilt to the Gothic pieced half basket hilt, field rank service combined combat-dress brass scabbard. Small fish-skin grip losses.

Traditional gilt hilt of Gothic form, pierced with Queen Victoria's cypher, a very fine deluxe etched finest bespoke made blade, and gilt brass scabbard, that denotes the owner's rank to be of Major, Colonel and above.

Photo in the gallery from the film "Zulu" and Michael Caine as Bromhead with his sword for information only not included.
The 1822/45 pattern of sword has a Gothic hilt and Queen Victoria's cypher within the pierced oval centre. This sabre would have seen service by an officer at the very cusp of England's Glory of Empire. A sabre fit to represent the age and used throughout the Zulu War and numerous other great and famous conflicts of the Victorian era. The 1822 pattern infantry with it's elegant pierced Gothic style hilt, and the graceful monogram of Queen Victoria make it one of the most attractive patterns of sword ever used by British Army officers, and it was a pattern that saw service for almost 80 years. The blade is by Henry Wilkinson, who developed in 1845 pattern blade. Many swords of British officers were continually used for many decades, until the 1890's in fact, as swords were quite often passed on from father to son, down the generations, in many military families. During the period of this sword's use, two of most famous pair of engagements in the British army's history, during the last quarter of the 19th century, happened over two consecutive days. Curiously, it is fair to say that these two engagements, by the 24th Foot, against the mighty Zulu Impi, are iconic examples of how successful or unsuccessful leadership can result, in either the very best conclusion, or the very worst. And amazingly, within only one day of each other. The 1879 Zulu War, for the 24th Foot, will, for many, only mean two significant events, Isandlhwana and Rorke's Drift. This is the brief story of the 24th Foot in South Africa; In 1875 the 1st Battalion arrived in Southern Africa and subsequently saw service, along with the 2nd Battalion, in the 9th Xhosa War in 1878. In 1879 both battalions took part in the Zulu War, begun after a British invasion of Zululand, ruled by Cetshwayo. The 24th Foot took part in the crossing of the Buffalo River on 11 January, entering Zululand. The first engagement (and the most disastrous for the British) came at Isandhlwana. The British had pitched camp at Isandhlwana and not established any fortifications due to the sheer size of the force, the hard ground and a shortage of entrenching tools. The 24th Foot provided most of the British force and when the overall commander, Lord Chelmsford, split his forces on 22 January to search for the Zulus, the 1st Battalion (5 companies) and a company of the 2nd Battalion were left behind to guard the camp, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pulleine (CO of the 1/24th Foot).

The Zulus, 22,000 strong, attacked the camp and their sheer numbers overwhelmed the British. As the officers paced their men far too far apart to face the coming onslaught. During the battle Lieutenant-Colonel Pulleine ordered Lieutenants Coghill and Melvill to save the Queen's Colour—the Regimental Colour was located at Helpmakaar with G Company. The two Lieutenants attempted to escape by crossing the Buffalo River where the Colour fell and was lost downstream, later being recovered. Both officers were killed. At this time the Victoria Cross (VC) was not awarded posthumously. This changed in the early 1900s when both Lieutenants were awarded posthumous Victoria Crosses for their bravery. The 2nd Battalion lost both its Colours at Isandhlwana though parts of the Colours—the crown, the pike and a colour case—were retrieved and trooped when the battalion was presented with new Colours in 1880.

The 24th had performed with distinction during the battle. The last survivors made their way to the foot of a mountain where they fought until they expended all their ammunition and were killed. The 24th Foot suffered 540 dead, including the 1st Battalion's commanding officer.

After the battle, some 4,000 to 5,000 Zulus headed for Rorke's Drift, a small missionary post garrisoned by a company of the 2/24th Foot, native levies and others under the command of Lieutenant Chard, Royal Engineers, the most senior officer of the 24th present being Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead. Two Boer cavalry officers, Lieutenants Adendorff and Vane, arrived to inform the garrison of the defeat at Isandhlwana. The Acting Assistant Commissary James Langley Dalton persuaded Bromhead and Chard to stay and the small garrison frantically prepared rudimentary fortifications.

The Zulus first attacked at 4:30 pm. Throughout the day the garrison was attacked from all sides, including rifle fire from the heights above the garrison, and bitter hand-to-hand fighting often ensued. At one point the Zulus entered the hospital, which was stoutly defended by the wounded inside until it was set alight and eventually burnt down. The battle raged on into the early hours of 23 January but by dawn the Zulu Army had withdrawn. Lord Chelmsford and a column of British troops arrived soon afterwards. The garrison had suffered 15 killed during the battle (two died later) and 11 defenders were awarded the Victoria Cross for their distinguished defense of the post, 7 going to soldiers of the 24th Foot.

The stand at Rorke's Drift was immortalised in the 1964 movie Zulu, and Michael Caine is carrying this very same pattern of sword.

Overall in excellent condition for age. Small surface denting on the scabbard, inner fold down hilt mount absent. Very nice and snug fit to the scabbard with all its original wood liner  read more

Code: 25485

845.00 GBP

A Most Rare Early19th Century, Georgian to William IVth Irish, Crum Castle Infantryman's Large Shako Helmet Plate

A Most Rare Early19th Century, Georgian to William IVth Irish, Crum Castle Infantryman's Large Shako Helmet Plate

This is a super, and incredibly desirable large Bell-Top Shako helmet plate, from one of the small Irish Militia of the early 19th century. Their motto was 'Rebels Lie Down'. Surviving artefacts of this militia are so scarce that we know of only one other surviving piece of early uniform militaria, a shoulder belt plate, regimentally named and also bearing their motto.
Early 19th century Irish Militia helmet plates are incredibly rare, highly prized and very collectable indeed.

Crum Castle was the alternative old spelling of Crom Castle, County Fermanagh. Although the Yeomanry’s official existence ended in 1834, the last rusty muskets were not removed from their dusty stores till the early 1840s. With unintentional but obvious symbolism, they were escorted to the ordnance stores by members of the new constabulary. Although gone, the Yeomen were most certainly not forgotten. For one thing, they were seen as the most recent manifestation of a tradition of Protestant self-defence stretching back to plantation requirements of armed service from tenants then re-surfacing in different forms such as the Williamite county associations, the eighteenth-century Boyne Societies, anti-Jacobite associations of 1745 and the Volunteers. Such identification had been eagerly promoted. At the foundation of an Apprentice Boys’ club in 1813, Colonel Blacker, a Yeoman and Orangeman, amalgamated the siege tradition, the Yeomanry and 1798 in a song entitled The Crimson Banner:

Again when treason maddened round,
and rebel hordes were swarming,
were Derry’s sons the foremost found,
for King and Country arming.

Moreover, the idea of a yeomanry remained as a structural template for local, gentry-led self-defence, particularly in Ulster. When volunteering was revived in Britain in 1859, northern Irish MPs like Sharman Crawford tried unsuccessfully to use the Yeomanry precedent to get similar Irish legislation. Yeomanry-like associations were mooted in the second Home Rule crisis of 1893. The Ulster Volunteer Force of 1911-14—often led by the same families like Knox of Dungannon—defined their role like Yeomen, giving priority to local defence and exhibiting great reluctance to leave their own districts for training in brigades. Two loop mounts [one with old re-bedding] 6.25 inches high.  read more

Code: 23283

1895.00 GBP

Original Ancient Imperial Roman ‘Cross-bow” Fibula Bronze Toga Pin Military Issue, Fine Piece For Higher Ranking Figures in the Legion, Such As a Centurion or Tribune

Original Ancient Imperial Roman ‘Cross-bow” Fibula Bronze Toga Pin Military Issue, Fine Piece For Higher Ranking Figures in the Legion, Such As a Centurion or Tribune

Bow Fibula with a folded or rolled sleeve hinge, c. Early Imperial - Beginning of 2nd Century. We acquired a very small collection of roman toga pins, from super, small collection of original, historical, Imperial Roman and Crusader's artefacts
Shaped in the form of a roman military crossbow fibula, in bronze.
It became the most popular form of closure for Roman fibulae, and is characteristic of the bow brooches from the early imperial times to the beginning of the 2nd century. Outside the Roman Empire and after that time, this type of hinge was seldom used. The sleeve hinge consists of a small sleeve at the top of the head which is forged from a square sheet metal plate and then rolled up. In a center-cut slot, the spiked needle is inserted and held by a shaft (usually iron) passing through the whole sleeve. At the ends of each of the Aucissa fibulae and their early successors were buttons holding the hinge axis; later, the hinge axis was clamped in the sleeve and needed no buttons. The needle always carries a thorn-like projection on its perforated oval plate, which beats against the head of the fibula and, by virtue of this resistance, causes the suspension to spring forth. The sleeve hinge is used exclusively in bow fibulae. The needle is primarily rectilinear, but bends hand in hand with the flattening of the bow to the outside to continue to leave enough space between the bracket and needle. The sleeve hinge is considered a typical Roman construction. The paludamentum was usually worn over one shoulder and fastened with a fibula (ancient version of a safety pin). Arguments abound over what shoulder was exposed, but it seems fairly clear that the garment was fastened loosely enough to move around, The paludamentum was a cloak that was specifically associated with warfare. A general donned one for the ceremonial procession leading an army out of the sacred precinct of the city of Rome and was required to remove it before returning to the city…a sign that he was no longer a general, but a common citizen. The paludamentum or sagum purpura (purple cloak) was the iconic red cloak worn by a Roman general (Legatus) and his staff officers. Originally, it’s distinctive red/purple color clearly delineated between these officers and the rest of the army, which sported the sagum gregale (cloak of the flock). Although the sagum gregale, worn by the rank and file, started out the color of the flock (i.e. undyed wool), it seems likely to have transitioned to a coarser version of the sagum purpura by the imperial period (27BCE – 476CE). Outfitting the entire army in red garments would have been a mark of the great wealth of Rome – well, that and the fact that the Romans controlled the source of purple dye by then.The pin is now frozen through two millennia in a fixed position. Fibula 58mm x 28mm not including pin , pin is now rigid in position.

For example; With regards to some expert conservation methods of bronze objects {and some other materials} The dirt from the surface of the object could be removed manually using a scalpel under magnification. Care would be taken not to dislodge the powdery, corroding surface. Where the surface was in particualrly bad condition the dirt will be left in situ and small areas might be locally consolidated using 2.5% HMG Paraloid B72 (methyl ethyl methacrlylate) in 50:50 Acetone (propan-1-one/dimethyl ketone) and Industrial methylated spirits ethanol,methanol.
The above practice is just one form of conservation method also used by the British Museum.  read more

Code: 24610

245.00 GBP

Wonderful 12th-13th Century Crusader & Pilgrim Knight's Heraldic Seal Ring Of a Fantastical Beast The Manticore, A Human Headed Tiger or Lion. Used In Medeavil Heraldry On Shields, Banner, Accoutrements & Indicated To Which Noble Family A Knight Belonged

Wonderful 12th-13th Century Crusader & Pilgrim Knight's Heraldic Seal Ring Of a Fantastical Beast The Manticore, A Human Headed Tiger or Lion. Used In Medeavil Heraldry On Shields, Banner, Accoutrements & Indicated To Which Noble Family A Knight Belonged

A superb naturally patinated bronze, realistically engraved with an intaglio of the Manticore a Man-Tiger or Man-Lion. For example, in the 1400's it was the Heraldic Badge of William Lord Hastings. Often used as a supporter for a noble coat of arms. The ring is also very unusual in that it is designed to be sectioned on the inside ring so as to be self adjusting for finger size.

The royal supporters of England are the heraldic supporter creatures appearing on each side of the royal arms of England. The royal supporters of the monarchs of England displayed a variety, or even a menagerie, of real and imaginary heraldic beasts, either side of their royal arms of sovereignty, including lion, leopard, panther and tiger, manticore, antelope and hart, greyhound, boar and bull, falcon, cock, eagle and swan, red and gold dragons, as well as the current unicorn.

In ancient Greek culture, the manticore represented the unknown lands of Asia, the area it was said to inhabit. In later times, the manticore was recognized by many Europeans as a symbol of the devil or of the ruthless rule of tyrants. This may have originated in the practice of using manticores as royal decorations, and heraldic devices.

The Manticore In Art, Literature, And Everyday Life
During the Middle Ages, the manticore appeared in a number of bestiaries, books containing pictures or descriptions of mythical beasts.

The manticore was also featured in medieval heraldry—designs on armour, shields, and banners that indicated the group or family to which a knight belonged.

The medieval Maniticore is featured in numerous medieval manuscripts known as Bestiary, a book written in the Middle Ages containing descriptions of real and imaginary animals, intended to teach morals, religion and to entertain.
The bestiary — the medieval book of beasts — was among the most popular illuminated texts in northern Europe during the Middle Ages (about 500–1500). Medieval Christians understood every element of the world as a manifestation of God, and bestiaries largely focused on each animal's religious meaning. Much of what is in the bestiary came from the ancient Greeks and their philosophers. The earliest bestiary in the form in which it was later popularized was an anonymous 2nd-century Greek volume called the Physiologus, which itself summarized ancient knowledge and wisdom about animals in the writings of classical authors such as Aristotle's Historia Animalium and various works by Herodotus, Pliny the Elder, Solinus, Aelian and other naturalists.

Following the Physiologus, Saint Isidore of Seville (Book XII of the Etymologiae) and Saint Ambrose expanded the religious message with reference to passages from the Bible and the Septuagint. They and other authors freely expanded or modified pre-existing models, constantly refining the moral content without interest or access to much more detail regarding the factual content. Nevertheless, the often fanciful accounts of these beasts were widely read and generally believed to be true. A few observations found in bestiaries, such as the migration of birds, were discounted by the natural philosophers of later centuries, only to be rediscovered in the modern scientific era.

Medieval bestiaries are remarkably similar in sequence of the animals of which they treat. Bestiaries were particularly popular in England and France around the 12th century and were mainly compilations of earlier texts. The Aberdeen Bestiary is one of the best known of over 50 manuscript bestiaries surviving today.These bestiaries held much content in terms of religious significance. In almost every animal there is some way to connect it to a lesson from the church or a familiar religious story. With animals holding significance since ancient times, it is fair to say that bestiaries and their contents gave fuel to the context behind the animals, whether real or myth, and their meanings.

UK size R1/2  read more

Code: 25481

595.00 GBP